
Water Testing

Water Testing Package designed to help you keep your systems running efficiently and extend their lifespan.

These are critical indicators that can reveal potential issues such as scaling, corrosion, or biological growth before they become costly problems.

With our APHA-compliant testing, you’re investing in quality and reliability, gaining peace of mind that your Cooling & Boiler water system is protected.

Methods & Techniques
APHA method, Merck Method & HACH Method

Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009

Product Categories
Food, semiconductor, palm oil mill, textile, oil & gas

1) CWT Package
•     pH
•     Conductivity
•     Alkalinity
•     Hardness
•     Chloride
•     Total iron
•     Bacterial count

2) BWT Package
•     pH
•     Conductivity
•     Hydrate alkalinity
•     Chloride
•     Iron
•     Phosphate