
Chemical Testing (Heavy Metal Element Analysis and Stability Testing)

With high-technology and a team of experienced professionals, we offer specialized chemical testing services, including:

1. Heavy Metal Element Analysis – Detect and quantify trace amounts of heavy metals in various samples, ensuring compliance with safety and regulatory standards.

2. Stability Testing – Evaluate the stability of your products under different conditions to ensure consistency, reliability, and performance over time.

Methods & Techniques
APHA method, Merck Method & HACH Method

Product Categories
Wastewater from Industry such as: food, semiconductor, palm oil mill, textile, oil & gas

Parameter UOM Method of Test
pH @ 25oC - APHA 4500-H+ B
Conductivity μS/cm APHA 2510 B
Alkalinity mg CaCO3/L APHA 2320 B
Hardness mg CaCO3/L APHA 2340 C
Chloride as Cl- mg Cl-/L APHA 4500-Cl- B
Iron as Fe mg/L Merck Method 114761
Bacterial Count Bacterial/ml Merck Method 100778
Organo-phosphonate mg/L Lovibond Method AF 411
Zinc as Zn mg/L Hach Method 8009
Phosphate as PO43- mg/L Hach Method 8048
Nitrite as NO2 mg/L Merck Method 114776
Copper as Cu mg/L Hach Method 8506
Calcium hardness mg CaCO3/L APHA 3500-Ca B
Free Chlorine mg/L Cl2 Hach Method 8021
Total Nitrogen mg/L as N Merck Method 114763
Total Phosphorus mg/L as P Merck Method 114729
Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/L Hach Method 8155
Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD mg/L Merck Method 114540,114541,114555
Biological Oxygen Demand, BOD5 mg/L HACH 8043
Total Suspended Solid mg/L APHA 2540 D
Turbidity NTU APHA 2130 B
Fluoride as F mg/L HACH 110225
Aluminum mg/L Merck Method 114825
Oil & Grease mg/L APHA 5520 D
Oil & Grease % APHA 5520 E
Nickel mg/L Merck Method 114785
Manganese mg/L Hach Method 8149
Sulphate as SO4 mg/L Hach Method 8051
Sulphite as SO3 mg/L APHA 4500-S
Colour ADMI Merck Method 2517, 2518
Viscosity cps Viscosity meter
Solid Content % EPA Method 1684
Specific Gravity g/cm3 Manufacturer Method SG bottle
Dissolve Oxygen mg/L YSI ProODO meter
Oxygen Uptake Rate mg O2/ L. h EPA Method 1683
Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate (mg O2/g)/h EPA Method 1683
Total Dissolve solid mg/L SevenEasy Conductivity, Model: S30
Moisture Content % EPA Method 1684
Boron mg/L Hach Method 10252
Silica mg/L Merck Method 114785
Cationic Charge mol % Manufacturer Method
Volatile Fatty Acid mg/L APHA 5560 C