Microscopic Examination (Activated Sludge)

We offer aeration testing services that designed to optimize your treatment processes, minimize energy costs, and ensure compliance with environmental standards.
Microscopic examination can be a significant aid in the evaluation of the activated sludge process. Although the heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria which are mainly responsible for purifying the wastewater are too small to be easily observed, the presence of several other microorganisms within the sludge floc may give an indication of treatment conditions and efficiency. These higher life forms also play an important role in clarifying the wastewater, consuming bacteria and small particulates, and improving biomass settleability.
Environmental Quality Act 1974 and related standards (e.g., Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009
Food, semiconductor, Palm oil mill, textile, Oil & Gas
- Ph
- Turbidity
- SV30
- Total Nitrogen
- Total Phosphorus
- Microscopic Analysis
- Filamentous Identification