A joint collaboration event between Fedelis and i-Chem Solution. The participants learnt a lot about ESG and new features of Dropbox Sign and Dropbox Business πŸ‘πŸ»

Click the link below to get our ESG Starter Kit or follow our page to get updated on our upcoming events✨

Link: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfG6gX.../viewform...
✨ Latest Offers from us:
🌟 Simplified ESG Pre-Assessment Report
🌟 2030 SDG Games (HRD Claimable)
🌟 Dropbox Business/ Dropbox Sign
🌟 Dropbox Onboarding Services & Training

Feel free to contact us for more info. ☺️

#ichemsolution #cleanwaterforlife #Fedelis #dropbox #learning #sharingiscaring #collaboration

Sep 19,2024